Goats of Berlin

All goats of Berlin on one map

To make sure you spot every goat of each Kiez we prepared and keep updating a map of all goat homes in Berlin
We know you like to explore goat map on our website (and please do so, as you can get additional info on each place by clicking on the goat icon), but we guessed even more so you would like to have a BERLIN GOAT MAP TO GO. Follow the link, star the map to add all goat spots to your google maps and enjoy much Berlin goat love.
We adore goats and are convinced it's mutual. Check out our Instagram account for a constant dose of Berlin goat love.

Berlin goat homes

To learn more about each one click on the photo below
Contact us
Feel free to write us an email or send a direct message on Instagram. We'd really love to hear from goat fan fellas.
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